RJ McLeod

Sustainability Policy

RJ McLeod is committed to promoting the wider sustainability agenda within our business, our projects and the communities in which we operate. We recognise that our impact on the environment, our energy use, our carbon emissions, our approach to supply chain management and social value activities are all interlinked. Our strategy is based on a partnership approach in conjunction with our clients, designers, supply chain partners and the communities in which we work, as a team, to obtain solutions to the benefit of all.



We believe that efficient civil engineering operations combined with good environmental practice is key to the protection and enhancement of the environment for the benefit of society and the natural ecosystems. We will minimise our environmental impacts by:

  • Protecting habitats and the species that inhabit them
  • Preventing pollution
  • Reducing our carbon emissions
  • Minimising waste to landfill through re-use, recycling and energy recovery
  • Using mains energy from sustainable sources



We deliver diverse local employment through targeted recruitment, with ongoing workforce training, providing long term jobs. Hourly-paid site workers are engaged under a contract of employment which reflects the ‘Working Rule Agreement for the Construction Industry’, this being prepared by the Construction Industry Joint Council – a body incorporating the employer organisations and trade unions. We are also an accredited employer under the Living Wage Foundation meaning that employees are paid at a level at not less than the real Living Wage, this being of relevance to the likes of cleaning and security personnel. Our subcontractors and suppliers are required to meet our principles of employment so that at least the real Living Wage is paid to employees of our supply chain when providing services to us.

We do not have a central buying department – purchasing is carried out from each individual site. We believe that this allows us to properly consider the combination of commercial matters along with environmental, safety and quality management as well as our obligations to providing local sustainable employment. Local content always has been at the heart of our business, our reputation as a responsible contractor going before us not least because of our continuing supply chain mentoring. We work with the Scottish Government’s Supplier Development Programme to make SMEs, supported businesses and charities aware of opportunities arising from our projects.



We have a zero-tolerance approach to any form of forced labour and are committed to ensuring that modern slavery and human trafficking are not present in any part of our business or supply chain. Our commitment to sustainable business practices is reinforced with our being an accredited Living Wage Employer.

We actively engage with charities, social enterprises, third sector and supported businesses, indirectly supporting the recruitment and training of those with barriers to employment such as disability, addiction, criminal convictions and homelessness. We are committed to bridging the skills gap. We deliver educational support and careers inspiration at all levels and promote lifelong learning and professional development to our employees.


Joint Managing Director

Issued: June 2024

RJ McLeod